Fox Movies Information : |
TV Logo | |
Original TV Name | Fox Movies TV fXM: Movies from Fox (1994-2000) |
Description | A channel which shows movies. FOX Movies is the movie channel made by 20th Century FOX. Available On TV Online. FOX Movies is the movie channel made by one of the world's favorite movies. Fox Movie Channel started airing the FXM (FX Movie Channel) block each day from 3 P.M./12 P.M. to 3 A.M./12 A.M. ET/PT, featuring telecasts of newer movies with some content editing and commercial breaks. During the remaining hours from overnight through midday, older movies will continue to air uncut without commercials. |
Language | English |
Location | Los Angeles, California |
Country | United States |
Continent | America |
Availability | Worldwide |
Launch date | October 31, 1994 |
Owner | Fox Entertainment Group News Corporation |